Leela Schauble

Signal II


June 2020





Jun 2020

Night Screen

Signal II

Leela Schauble


June 2020





June 2020

Night Screen

Signal II single channel video, especially adapted for SEVENTH Night Screen, is a work created from the LABVERDE artist immersion program in the Amazon Rainforest. The video dives into the disconnect between nature, people and science and aims to reflect on the complexities and mystic qualities held by self-sustaining ecosystems. LED lights placed within the landscape aims to begin a dialog between viewer and nature. Each light sends off an SOS signal that has been obscured by competing signals around it. Schauble takes a contemplative approach on how we, as global citizen, can take responsibility in connecting with nature and to listen to the needs of the environment around us. Performance by Raquel Maveq.

Signal II single channel video, especially adapted for SEVENTH Night Screen, is a work created from the LABVERDE artist immersion program in the Amazon Rainforest. The video dives into the disconnect between nature, people and science and aims to reflect on the complexities and mystic qualities held by self-sustaining ecosystems. LED lights placed within the landscape aims to begin a dialog between viewer and nature. Each light sends off an SOS signal that has been obscured by competing signals around it. Schauble takes a contemplative approach on how we, as global citizen, can take responsibility in connecting with nature and to listen to the needs of the environment around us. Performance by Raquel Maveq.

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Leela Schauble

Leela Schauble is a Melbourne based artist working primarily with photography and video. Her practice meditates on themes of ecology and human-caused climate change.