Lauren Nevard, Jasmine Jafari, Elsa Bryant, Claire Absh, Evelyn Tan

unconnected with no dopamine


January 2023





Feb 2023

Gallery 1

unconnected with no dopamine

Lauren Nevard, Jasmine Jafari, Elsa Bryant, Claire Absh, Evelyn Tan


January 2023





February 2023

Gallery 1

“Unconnected with no dopamine” is a group art exhibition about techno-spirituality as a result of the globalisation of the internet. Living in the information age and amidst an attention economy we are constantly involved in the technological world. The ethos of the show is particularly informed by ‘The Extreme Self: Age of You’ by Douglas Coupland, Hans Ulrich Obrist, and Shumon Basar and existential philosophy. We reflect on the development of spirituality as a result of digital globalisation, essentially the cultural climate of the web regarding spirituality.

Exhibition documented by Teagan Ramsay.

“Unconnected with no dopamine” is a group art exhibition about techno-spirituality as a result of the globalisation of the internet. Living in the information age and amidst an attention economy we are constantly involved in the technological world. The ethos of the show is particularly informed by ‘The Extreme Self: Age of You’ by Douglas Coupland, Hans Ulrich Obrist, and Shumon Basar and existential philosophy. We reflect on the development of spirituality as a result of digital globalisation, essentially the cultural climate of the web regarding spirituality.

Lauren Nevard

The practice of Lauren Nevard references back to the digital spaces we occupy. Focusing on the agency of the digital image, Nevard legitimise this content through physical spaces and projecting textures onto internet objects. Who's craftwork is reflective of dynamics to the digital.

Jasmine Jafari

Jasmine Jafari aims to create atmospheres that give a sense of milieu. Engaging with urban subculture, Jafari's work is a dissonant re-presentation of the things and places they interact with (a diasporic re-enchantment). The works are translated through a sporadic and intuitive curation of confessions with spiritual curiosity. Created as a surreal, dreamscape aesthetic using the digital to form a post-internet visual language.

Elsa Bryant

Elsa Bryant extracts creative concepts by drawing out fractured pieces of a realm that exists only in the mind and which then finds physical form by travelling from her fingertips into clay. Thinking about both the practical and purposeless objects we decorate our lives with, Bryant hope's these friendly objects find affection and a space to live within the home.

Evelyn Tan

Evelyn Tan is a Vancouverite artist currently based in LA. Her narratives form from dreams and memory, chasing nostalgia while pinpointing ideological deviations. Despite being an only child, she often depicts herself as an older and younger sister self, seeking to authenticate both selves to the closest proximity. She frequently works in a hybrid between traditional and digital illustration, starting the piece in graphite and coloring digitally from the scanned image.